CERN-ST Division


Session: ST Problems and Solutions
Chairmen: Paolo Ciriani (Session 1) & Claude Jacot (Session 2)
Duration of session:  400 min. (presentations 270 min., discussions 130 min.)

A. Alvarez

"La satisfaction du client" - L’orientation future de la Salle de Contrôle Technique ?
La Salle de Contrôle Technique (TCR) fournie une vaste gamme de services à un nombre considérable de clients. Elle est sollicitée pour fournir de nouveaux services et pour améliorer la qualité des existants. Ce document présente ce tissu de relations, met en valeur les protagonistes et les services, et propose des solutions pour augmenter la satisfaction des partenaires de la TCR. Pour ce faire, une démarche évolutive, extrait du monde du marketing convient et s’ajuste aux besoins et caractéristiques de la TCR. Cette démarche, itérative, est basée sur l'identification des clients et des prestations fournies, d’une catégorisation des clients ainsi qu’un contrôle systématique de la qualité et l’efficacité des actions ; ceci afin de permettre l'établissement d'une relation de confiance conduisant à une augmentation et un entretien de la fidélité des clients envers la TCR.

F. Balda

Risk Analysis: an Approach for Safety-related Projects at CERN
In recent years Risk Analysis has become increasingly important for any kind of project for both personnel and equipment safety assessments. Many divisional projects must respect the rules imposed by the French regulatory authority (INB) and the requirements of applicable international standards. This document proposes a systematic approach for the setting up of a complete Risk Analysis, and it defines coherent steps to be undertaken in order to check the achievement of the project safety goals. Several techniques are discussed, and some ST projects to which they have been applied or are going to be applied are presented. The proposed Risk Analysis structure should be associated and adapted to the different stages of the design and allows the definition of safety requirements; it furthermore traces the guidelines for qualitative and quantitative assessments.

M. Bätz

Engineering Process Monitoring for Control Room Operation
A major challenge in process operation is to reduce costs and increase system efficiency whereas the complexity of automated process engineering, control and monitoring systems increases continuously. To cope with this challenge the design, implementation and operation of process monitoring systems for control room operation have to be treated as an ensemble. This is only possible if the engineering of the monitoring information is focused on the production objective and is lead in close collaboration of control room teams, exploitation personnel and process specialists. In this paper some principles for the engineering of monitoring information for control room operation are developed at the example of the exploitation of a particle accelerator at the European Laboratory for Nuclear Research (CERN).

M. Bätz, K. Olesen, A. Alvarez

ST Divisional Operation Statistics 2000
The ST Divisional Operation Statistics summarise the operation of CERN’s technical infrastructure, which is operated by the ST division. In particular the impact of faults on the accelerators and the effectiveness of corrective maintenance are addressed. The statistics are based on the individual statistics of the ST equipment groups and the operation statistics of the PS, SL and ST operation teams.


I. Béjar Alonso

Quality Approach and Implementation in ST
The year 2000 marked a new era for the quality approach in ST. During this year several working groups have been created and/or co-ordinated to improve the standardisation of the methods and tools used along the division. The different initiatives are reviewed showing the results achieved and their consequences. Among them will be treated on detail the implementation of the templates, the project management procedures, the ST seminars and the documentation management system. Prospective actions and follow-up at long and short term will be also shown.

A. Charkiewicz

Recruitment in ST Division (1998-2000)
ST Division did not have a very substantial level of recruitment in the first three quarters of the last decade. At the same time this period has been marked by a relatively high level of departures, mostly due to retirement. The divisional policy, in this respect, has changed as of the second half of 1997. A number of new posts have been allocated in the Technical Sector for ST in recognition of a vital need for additional human resources necessary to cope with the Division's enhanced role in facing the challenges of the LHC era. The period starting at the end of 1997 was marked by a heavy recruitment effort both in terms of defining new posts as well as finding the right candidates to fill these positions. The result, seen from a three-year perspective, is a significant rejuvenation of the ST staff population as well as a diversification of the nationality composition. This paper provides an overall analysis of this process, concentrating specifically on the past three years. The challenge for the future is to continue exercising the Division's widening mandate with a continuously decreasing staffing level.

G. Cumer

Exploitation réseau électrique – Bilan 2000
Ce document présente le bilan annuel d’exploitation du réseau électrique pour l’année 2000. Après une présentation succincte des nouvelles sous-stations et équipements mis en service cette année, ce bilan est proposé au travers des statistiques des pannes et des demandes d’interventions des salles de contrôles PCR, MCR et PCR. Cette année 2000 aura été marquée par quelques pannes majeures ayant affecté le LEP et le SPS. L’analyse de ces incidents en fait apparaître les causes d’origines techniques, humaines ou extérieures au CERN, détaille les catégories d’équipements concernés. Ces données permettent de souligner l’impact et les conséquences lourdes de la moindre coupure électrique sur le fonctionnement des accélérateurs. Elles permettent d’autre part de mettre en lumière les points faibles actuels que sont les contrôleurs Micène, les câbles et les protections 18 kV SPS. Dans ce contexte et au vu des incidents de ces dernières années, un historique des pannes survenues sur les câbles 18 kV SPS depuis 1981 est également proposé.

A. Dagan

Le parc véhicules légers du CERN
La création d’un parc central de véhicules légers (Car Pool) a été décidée en janvier 1991. Le fonctionnement et l’évaluation des coûts du Car Pool sont gérés par un Comité des Utilisateurs composé de représentants divisionnaires et de deux membres permanents du Groupe ST-HM. La section Logistique de ce Groupe exploite le parc en tant qu’unité autofinancée en louant ses véhicules aux utilisateurs à titre permanent ou à court terme. L’objet de la présentation consiste à décrire le principe de fonctionnement du Car Pool et les moyens mis en oeuvre pour en assurer la gestion technique, administrative et financière. Les différents objectifs à atteindre portent sur la contribution apportée par les Divisions (location annuelle), l’utilisation rationnelle des voitures (kilomètres parcourus, entretien, réparations), la mise en place d’une administration simplifiée pour les utilisateurs et le suivi de l’évolution de ce parc compte tenu des modèles actuellement sur le marché de l’automobile.

U. Epting, M.C. Morodo Testa, P. Sollander

Is the CERN recommended SCADA useable for the ST division ?
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems are widely used at CERN and in industrial control environments. In order to limit the costs of purchase, maintenance and support, a recommendation for one SCADA system is in preparation by the SCADA working group. This SCADA system should be used for all CERN in-house developed applications as they exist today e.g. in the Technical Control Room (TCR). This presentation will show the actual environment for the control and monitoring of the technical infrastructure at CERN and the needs for the future LHC infrastructure monitoring. The presentation will cover the control activities of all ST groups represented in the ST Control System WG. A possible solution for the integration of the technical infrastructure data into a SCADA system and a solution for the data exchange with the accelerators and the experiments will be presented. This includes a short term planning for the evaluation period as well as the long-term strategy on how to implement the chosen solution.

P. Faugeras

Manufacturing and Test Folder (MTF)
The talk will deal with what I called "Manufacturing and Test Folder", or MTF, which is an application part of the EDMS system and which must be used for tracking manufacturing and testing of the various components and systems of the LHC machine. Later on this will be extended to running and maintenance, and will allow CERN to comply with INB regulations, if done correctly.

C. Gascon

Plan Assurance Qualité for an Installation Contract
The current ST/EL group’s installation and maintenance contract expires on June 2001. Official procedures for a new contract began a few months ago. Once the new contract has been adjudicated, contractor firm should establish a Quality Assurance Plan (PAQ) within 6 months to be approved. This PAQ is the essential main instrument which ST/EL group has in order to assure a perfect achievement of signed contract. PAQ efficiency depends on its good knowledge and its permanent application on the part of the contractor firm and especially on the part of ST/EL group. The acquired experience during last PAQ should be reflected in the future contract.

S. Grau / L. Scibile / F. Balda / A. Chouvelon

Application of Risk Management for Control and Monitoring Systems
This paper presents an application of the state of the art and new trends for risk management of safety-related control and monitoring systems, currently applied in the industry. These techniques not only enable to manage safety and reliability issues but they also help in the control of quality and economic factors affected by the availability and maintenance of the system. The method includes an unambiguous definition of the system in terms of functions and a systematic analysis of hazardous situations, undesired events and possible malfunctions. It also includes the identification and quantification of the risk associated to the system. The required risk reduction is specified in terms of safety integrity levels. The safety integrity level results in requirements, preventive measures, possible improvements and recommendations to assure the satisfactory management of the risk.

D. Hay

Gas Detection for Experiments
Flammable gases are often used in detectors for physics experiments. The storage, distribution and manipulation of such flammable gases present several safety hazards. As most flammable gases cannot be detected by human senses, specific well-placed gas detection systems must be installed. Following a request from the user group and in collaboration with CERN safety officers, risk analyses are performed. An external contractor, who needs to receive detailed user requirements from CERN, performs the installations. The contract is passed on a guaranteed results basis. Co-ordination between all the CERN groups and verification of the technical installation is done by ST/AA/AS. This paper describes and focuses on the structured methodology applied to implement such installations based on goal directed project management techniques (GDPM). This useful supervision tool suited to small to medium sized projects facilitates the task of co-ordinating numerous activities to achieve a completely functional system.

L. Henny

Divisions - ST : Formation
Au CERN la formation est une partie intégrante des activités de l’Organisation. Mentionnée dans le Statut du Personnel depuis l’origine, elle figure au Règlement depuis 1981 et est largement explicitée dans la Circulaire Administrative N° 16. L’organe réglementaire est constitué par la Commission Paritaire de Formation (Joint Training Board dont le sigle est JTB) qui a pour but de conseiller le Directeur Général en matière de formation, de définir la politique de formation et d’en faire l’évaluation. Des organes spécifiques ont été mis en place pour organiser les différents programmes : le Groupe Formation et Développement, le Comité exécutif de formation (sigle TEC), le Comité d’enseignement académique. Des délégués divisionnaires à la formation (sigle DTO) servent de courroie de transmission entre ces organes, le personnel et le Service de l’Enseignement (Div. HR). La Division ST dont les activités présentent une grande variété se doit de poursuivre une politique de formation soutenue; elle fait oeuvre de pionnier en élaborant des plans individuels triennaux de formation , principalement pour le personnel de filière VII.

C. Jacot

ST Safety:  What's on ?
Du premier coup de pioche jusqu'à la mise en place de la tente abritant le buffet offert lors de la cérémonie d'achèvement d'un projet, la division ST est sur les rangs et apporte son savoir faire. Ces projets nombreux et pluridisciplinaires sont étudiés, se réalisent, s'exploitent et font l'objet de maintenance jusqu'à leur démantèlement. Durant leurs cycles de vie, la division ST avance les compétences professionnelles spécifiques à chaque corps de métiers incluant le recours à de nombreux contrats avec des entreprises extérieures pour réaliser les travaux sur les sites du CERN. Pour en conserver la maîtrise, la division ST applique une gestion de projet, une assurance de la qualité et s'attache tout particulièrement à la sécurité, à la réglementation, à la prévention des risques et la gestion de ceux-ci. Sous la supervision du DSO, un ensemble de procédures et de démarches a été développé afin de faciliter les tâches du maître d'ouvrage et des entreprises contractantes, chargés d'établir et appliquer les plans de prévention et de sécurité de ces travaux, ainsi que pour coordonner les co-activités avec les grands chantiers du LHC.

B. Jenssen

Analyse of Maintenance Cost in ST
An analyse has been carried out in ST concerning the total costs for the division. Even though the target was the maintenance costs in ST, the global budget over has been analysed. This has been done since there is close relation between investments & consolidation and the required level for maintenance. The purpose of the analyse was to focus on maintenance cost in ST as a ratio of total maintenance costs over the replacement value of the equipment, and to make some comparisons with other industries and laboratories. Families of equipment have been defined and their corresponding ratios calculated. This first approach gives us some "quantitative" measurements. This analyse should be combined with performance indicators (more "qualitative" measurements) that are telling us how well we are performing. This will help us in defending our budget, make better priorities, and we will satisfy the requirements from our external auditors.

G. Kowalik

New Operation & Maintenance Contract for Electrical Network
The Electrical Exploitation is one of the few remaining operation services at CERN which nearly entirely relies on the CERN staff. Last year CERN policy, in connection with the LHC project needs, have led to the formulation of the strategy of out-sourcing of the Electrical Exploitation activities, market survey and subsequent Invitation to Tender. The following paper presents the approach used in the preparation of the Invitation to Tender and in solving of the out-sourcing issues applied to the operation and maintenance of the CERN electrical network. In particular the problems of the results oriented contract, quality assurance and performance as well requirement of the constantly increasing productivity of the Contractors team are treated. The paper gives also the particularities of the application of the out-sourcing to the electrical operation service as will as techniques used for the estimation of the work load of the activities being outsourced.

R. Messerli

Utilisation des logiciels d'ingénierie assistée par ordinateur dans la division ST
De juin à septembre 2000, une enquête portant sur l'utilisation des logiciels d'Ingénierie Assistée par Ordinateur (IAO) a été menée dans la division ST. Cent cinquante-trois personnes, fonctionnaires et prestataires de services, ont été interrogées sur les logiciels IAO utilisés, AutoCAD en particulier. Ce document présente les résultats statistiques bruts de cette enquête ainsi que les principales interprétations qui ont été dégagées de l'analyse de ces résultats. Il débouche, ensuite, sur des propositions concrètes dont certaines ont déjà été mises en oeuvre.

S. Oliger / B. Vercoutter

Le projet MP5 - Gestion de la maintenance assistée par ordinateur
L’année 2000 marque un tournant dans la manière d’appréhender l’activité de maintenance dans la division ST. Les méthodes, jusqu’alors basées sur une approche corporative relayée par des outils informatiques d’ancienne génération, ont évolué vers une approche intégrée. Ce document décrit tous les aspects du projet de migration de l’ancien logiciel RAPIER vers le nouveau logiciel MP5: définition des ressources, identification des contraintes et des facteurs de succès critiques, planification, unification des méthodes et des données, migration informatique, formation du personnel et mise en service. Il présente également les intégrations réalisées avec d’autres logiciels, les possibilités d’évolution pour la division et les perspectives de généralisation pour le CERN.

R. Principe, J. Kuhnl-Kinel

Year 2000 Performance Report
The mandate of the ST/CV-OP unit consists in the operation and maintenance of the cooling systems and air conditioning installations for the PS accelerator complex, the SPS and LEP machines as well as the heating plants and all CERN pumping stations. This paper intends to provide the performance report related to the last twelve months of activity of the operation unit. The role of the Computed Aided Maintenance and the evolution of a set of performance indicators during last three years will also be presented. A brief analysis of the data and a comment related to opportunity represented by the LEP-LHC transition will follow. In addition the author will try to give in figures a more specific idea of the operation environment, how this function evolves in numbers and which are, in his opinion, the improvement axes and the eventual risks.


I. Ruehl

Maintenance Management in the ST Division
The Maintenance Manager Working Group was established in order to revise existing maintenance contracts and to provide comprehensive and applicable tools for the execution of maintenance activities in the ST Division. This was necessary mainly due to the fact that the maintenance plans in the Division have often evolved rather than being consciously set up and in respect to the change towards result orientated contracts. Also, because the decrease of CERN staff and the trend towards outsourcing, a tighter and well-organised maintenance management has to be established. In order to achieve the most realistic and applicable results the technical and commercial aspects must be considered by following the industrial approach. This document will outline the objectives of the working group and will show the progress that has been made by the implementation of already achieved results. Furthermore this paper will show a possible structure of future maintenance management.

Eva Sanchez-Corral

Software Support for Industrial Controls Contract
The contract covers the development and the operation and maintenance (O&M) of the monitoring and control systems used for supervising CERN's technical infrastructure. The contract involves those responsible for equipment in any current or future technical installation. We are outsourcing a complex activity which will require efforts on both preparing the specifications for new projects and setting clear definitions of tasks and procedures for O&M. It is a result-oriented contract in which performance will be continually evaluated by different methods and tools: project management plan and project follow-up, and CAMMS (Computerised Assets and Maintenance Management system). To be used effectively, this approach requires complete traceability of activities and documentation of the systems. Based on the analysis of the results measured and the shared (CERN and contractor) experience, the O&M activities will be reviewed and reorganised and operational procedures will be changed according to needs. A key issue of this contract is the challenge of establishing a good partnership with the contractor in order to reach the goals.

L. Scibile / P. Ninin / S. Grau

Functional Safety: a total Quality Approach
Many systems used by the CERN accelerators and the technical infrastructure have to respect stringent requirements in terms of reliability, safety, availability and maintainability either for operation, security, or legal aspects such as the one required by French Regulatory Authority: the INB (Installations Nucléaires de Base ). The functional safety approach provides a structured method for achieving these requirements. In particular, the new IEC 61508 standards give guidance for system design and an effective and safe system exploitation. When designing new systems, it also sets out a generic approach for all the safety lifecycle activities that are the base for a total quality approach: requirements, design, realization, installation, operation, maintenance and even the decommissioning. This paper gives the results of the first attempts made at the CERN Technical Service division (ST) to use these standards and gives some suggestions on how to improve functional safety in a particle accelerator environment.

L. Symons

To be or not B2B ?
La question du commerce électronique interentreprises par le web (Business to Business, B2B) est posée actuellement par les grands groupes industriels impliqués dans le commerce mondial. Les prévisions sont imposantes, le B2B atteindra le C.A. de 3000 milliards de dollars en 2003. Les conditions d'accès, la façon de procéder des deux organisateurs (ARIBA et COMMERCE ONE) des plus grandes places de marchés actuelles, sont décrites. La base de l'énorme pyramide est le catalogue électronique multilingue UNSPSC (United Nations Standard Products and Services Classification) et l'organisation ECCMA (Electronic Commerce Code Management Association) qui gère le développement des UNSPSC codes en 8 langues. Dans ce contexte, l'auteur (re)-déclare qu'un des efforts principaux à fournir par le CERN est la création de son propre catalogue électronique. Dans la Division ST, une aide partielle à ce vaste programme pourrait être apportée par la normalisation des codes et désignations des pièces de maintenance en MP5. Ce travail éventuel mais essentiel est parfaitement inutile si, à la question " To be or not to be B2B", le CERN ne parvient pas à répondre.

M. Wilhelmsson

New Trends in the Outsourcing of Maintenance/Operation Services
The contracting-experience of maintenance/operation work in our group can today be considered as rich with the first generation of contract implemented more than 15 years ago. The incumbent contract was started in 1997, so it is now into its 4th year. Certain improvements that have already been implemented has had a large impact on our contract culture e.g. performance indicators. The next re-tendering is now approaching and with this borne in mind, the author will discuss through various sections of this report the following main points: firstly, an overview of the trends today in this area; secondly, comparing these trends with implemented practices; and finally, what can be future development in the outsourcing of the maintenance/operation of the Cooling & Ventilation services. 

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