CERN/ST-DI/ec (2001-162)

31 octobre 2001



Compte rendu n° 46 de la réunion du 15/10/2001



J.L. Baldy, M. Bätz, D. Blanc, P. Ciriani, G. Cumer, C. Colloca, J. Kuhnl-Kinel, J. Lindroos, H. Nissen, M. Nonis, J. Pedersen,
I. Ruehl, , A. Scaramelli,  M. Wilhelmsson / ST 
S. Baird / PS


I. Bejar Alonso, C. Bertone, E. Cennini, R. Charavay, P. Chevret, K. Foraz, C. Jacot, J. Inigo-Golfin, R. Martini, P. Ninin, R. Nunes, B. Pirollet, R. Principe, J. Roche, E. Sanchez-Corral, T. Watson / ST
D. Gueugnon / PS, P. Collier / SL

1. Approbation du compte rendu précédent

Le compte rendu n° 45 est approuvé.

2. TCR Operation (M. Bätz - H. Nissen) (see transparencies)

3. PS Operation (S. Baird)

4. SPS operation

Summary notes of the 27th meeting of the SL Operations Committee held on 11th October :

29/9: vacuum leak in cavity coupler adjacent to the one that leaked on 13/9, both probably due to cooling water problems. ST/CV will upgrade the system in the coming shutdown as a result, plus the HRF group will replace all 'old' style coupler windows with new ones.

9/10: Magnet vacuum leak in TT20. The replacement was complicated and lengthened by several logistical problems including the intrinsically difficult access to TT20, a broken down BA3 lift and problems with the electrical connection of the tractor (all extension leads being used in LEP dismantling).

5. Status report "Désenfumage SPS" (M. Nonis

Il est rappelé que ce travail consiste à modifier le fonctionnement des unités de traitement d'air du SPS pour pouvoir fonctionner à une vitesse unique, avec un débit de 55.000 m3/h, mais avec des consommations de puissance électrique compatibles avec le réseau secouru.
Les contacts avec l'entreprise qui devrait réaliser les travaux ont avancé et  une commande détaillée des travaux à réaliser pendant le shutdown prochain vient d'être préparée.
Le papier qui circule pour remarques et approbation aux personnes concernées des Divisions ST, TIS et SL est prêt à être mis dans sa forme finale avec l'ajout de quelques remarques mais tout le monde a donné son feu vert pour les travaux.
Les travaux sont prévus en novembre au BA4, décembre au BA6 et janvier au BA2, en considérant 3 semaines de chantier par point.

6. PS-Cooling systems (M. Wilhelmsson - J. Lindroos)

6.1 Renovation of the cooling stations hall Sud and hall Est

M. Wilhelmsson explained the main objectives for the project which can be summarized in :

The enclosed MS-project sheet, shows the schedule for the project as well as the cost (expense-) profile.

6.2 Replacement of chilled water pipelines in the PS tunnel

J. Lindroos explained the status of the project and the planning for the rest of the works with budget needs :

The budget needs for the project are :

The total needed in addition to the present contract : 425 kCHF

7. LHC Ventilation Process Control Migration LHC (D. Blanc) (see transparencies)

The aim of the presentation is to explain the situation of the present control system of the LEP ventilation process, to propose, plan and estimate the technical solution for the migration of the control architecture. This is done considering the fact that some essential elements of the present control infrastructure could no longer be supported by 2003 and major components shall be removed from any CERN communication infrastructure.

The adaptation of the present ventilation systems as well as the integration of new equipment to fit the LHC ventilation requirements lead us to consider a global re-engineering of the existing control system including the modifications of the control architecture. This is done in order to adapt an old decade process control structure. This structure is composed of elements which are a mixed between industrial and home-made devices. These modifications are to be made in order to upgrade the present industrial control system and to provide a complete, efficient and well adapted control architecture to integrate the LHC ventilation equipment of the injection tunnel and to face with the next fifteen years of the LHC life cycle and avoid becoming obsolete.

The motivation for the upgrade of the present structure is the replacement of old technology elements that are no longer supported -or that will not be supported in a short term and the need to adapt the control system to follow further requirements described below :

A number of factors must be considered at the beginning of the project and will have a consequent influence on the work load and the financial evaluation in parellel :

The magnitude of the works can be summarize as following :


Prochaine réunion le 3 décembre à 14h30

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Copyright CERN , modified 12/11/2001