CERN-ST Division

Session: General Services 2
Chairman: Grzegorz Kowalik 
Secretary: Bernd Langer
Duration of session :  105 min.  (presentations 70 min., discussions 35 min.)
J. Kühnl-Kinel
Tri-Generation - Possibilities of Implementation at CERN
Optimum distribution of energy supply systems can result in large savings in industrial facilities and production devices. Identifying the configuration of existing equipment and its loading, in order to minimize total energy consumption and at the same time satisfy given load demands, has very high payback potential. This paper presents the principle of trigeneration, the technology that can offer a highly efficient way of converting primary fuel (gas, oil) into useful energy as electricity, heat and chilled water simultaneously. It explains different factors that must be considered for such systems to be economically feasible. Some examples of industrial trigeneration systems are analysed and discussed to illustrate the application. Also the possibility of implementation of trigeneration at CERN is discussed, taking into account the existing cogeneration system, power supply structure, secondary energy demands, as well as future developments in our energy policy.
M. Nonis
Restructuring the Water Supply at CERN
The CERN water network is the result of continuous extensions made to meet the different needs of the experiments and accelerators. Several studies concerning the current water consumption and the foreseen needs for the running of the new accelerators show a need to optimize the network and, where possible, reduce the consumption. Site construction works will begin in February 1999 and will continue until 2003; important modification works on the water network will only be possible during the shutdown for the dismantling of LEP. This paper will present the technical outlines and will report the status of the project. ST Division is involved in reorganizing the demineralized and primary cooling water circuits for the accelerators while Services Industriels de Genève (SIG) will be responsible for the works on pumping stations and on water networks.
L. Annila
Future Objectives of Maintenance Management in the CV Group
The ST/CV group has an extensive maintenance contract with a multinational consortium (Gematec-F/I/DE). Annually, the contract costs the group about 6 MCHF. Today the technical monitoring of the performance within the contract has become too irregular and different people’s roles have not been sufficiently well defined. It has therefore been decided that all the technical, financial and performance-indicating data should be centrally co-ordinated within the group. The objective is to enable an efficient follow-up of the contract with a view to optimization. Another objective is to migrate to the new, more proficient version of the Computer Aided Maintenance Management (CAMM) software and learn to use it to its full potential. This means using its statistics and analysis features in addition to controlling the maintenance activities, spare-parts store, costs, etc. A further aim is to develop standards for the maintenance and the CAMM. This paper will discuss these objectives and the schedule for their implementation.
J.P. Granchelli
Boîtier de Gestion des Données des Batteries sur les Véhicules à Traction Electrique 
La section maintenance des appareils de levage gère et assure le suivi de 2700 appareils de levage et de manutention. Un nombre important de ces appareils sont équipés de batteries de traction dont la capacité varie de 300 à 520 Ah, ce qui leur assure une autonomie pour la circulation et les manoeuvres dans les ouvrages souterrains. Afin de connaître les contraintes d’utilisation que subissent ces batteries, elles sont équipées, depuis 1996, d’un boîtier électronique qui collecte, durant toute leur durée de fonctionnement, une multitude de données techniques. Lors de la révision annuelle qui s’effectue en atelier, le technicien vérifie les données recueillies et stockées dans un ordinateur portable. De plus, ce système enregistre le temps réel de fonctionnement de l’appareil, ce qui permet d’en optimiser la maintenance.
C. Colloca
Nouvelles Techniques d'Intervention sur la Corrosion des Armatures du Béton Armé
Les principaux dégâts constatés dans les armatures passives du béton armé sont la corrosion généralisée et la corrosion locale. Ces dégradations sont provoquées soit par la carbonatation du béton soit par le contact avec l’eau pure ou l’eau chargée de chlorures pénétrant dans les pores et dans les fissures de surface. Ce document présente de nouvelles techniques d’intervention, fondées sur d’anciens principes, introduites pour le traitement électrochimique des zones altérées liées aux différentes conditions. La réalcalinisation (dans le cas de béton carbonaté) permet d’augmenter le pH du béton et de rétablir un niveau de basicité garantissant la passivation  de l’armature. La désalification (dans le cas de béton entamé par les chlorures) provoque l’élimination des ions chlorure à travers la surface du béton. Les avantages de ces traitements, par rapport aux anciennes techniques, sont appréciables si l’on considère la durée d’exécution et leur coût moins élevé.
B. Jenssen
Use of Financial Information and the Financial System
This paper gives an overview of the different clients of the financial system and how their demands for information may influence its development. As an operating unit and a ‘prime user’ of the financial system we should be in the driving seat to ensure the scarce resources are used and managed in the best possible way. This paper focuses on the importance of a correct use of the financial system, awareness of its functionalities and the importance of knowing potential deviations as soon as possible while one is still able to influence the final cost. It finishes by underscoring the importance of letting our requests be heard when the financial system is developed.
E. Sanchez-Corral
Computerized Asset Management and Maintenance System in ST
The ST division manages and therefore maintains the CERN technical installations. A maintenance database application exists for every technical domain. A total of six different databases were built during the last 10 years and are based on the RAPIER maintenance program. As the Computerized Asset Management and Maintenance Systems (CAMMS) technology evolves, the RAPIER system has become obsolete. Therefore we are forced to migrate to its latest version, MP5, before year 2000. The migration path must be defined leading from the current situation to a fully operational MP5 application. The major elements of each migration path consists in determining the functionality to use, defining the operation of it, adapting and/or creating procedures, converting data and providing training ... A migration is always a process of change. The migration presents a unique opportunity to evaluate the current implementations, adapt them to the requirements and exploit the new features offered. Obsolete data and inconsistencies will be removed and the errors corrected. 

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